Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_Morning.JPGI spy with my li'l eye a Bit of Blue... Whoa... BLUE SKY!!! After a week of grey skies, sub zero temperatures, round the clock rain & snowfall.. I'd forgotten what Joy the sight of Blue could bring -- not just to the eyes but straight to the Soul. 

I happily skip over to get my cell & capture the beautiful sunrise (the sun still playing hide and seek) but the golden hue spreading on the clouds gives it away. Today is going to be a very Special Day.. I can feel it.. the goosebumps don't lie!! Or is it because I'm standing in the balcony in just my PJs.. I toss away the cold thoughts & allow myself to feel the magic of the spreading light and let it brighten my Day.

As the morning rolls on, the cloud cover starts to lift almost entirely... The cats are having a faulpelz day & invite me to be lazy as well with big Yawnnnns.... Na.. na.. i shouldn't waste this beauty of a morning cooped up inside the house. I quickly don on a few layers (it's still 1C outside and we're surrounded by snow covered mountains, the bright blue sky could almost deceive one into thinking it's summer!) and rush outside... Ahhhh.. fresh cool air fills my lungs. Brrrr.. it's cold... I forgot my gloves.. I pull-up the zippers of my down jacket & tuck my fingers inside the sleeves... Soon I'm walking by the local boat Slips.. There's no Dolfin to greet me today. I'm happy that we have her safely stored in her abode away from these freezing waters.

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_Peace.JPGAs i continue the walk along the lake, an empty bench invites me to quit walking & enjoy the views.. My mind wants to continue burning more calories, but my heart has other ideas. I finally give-in to the tug in my Heart.

The sound of the waves provides a rhythmic beat & soon i find my heart merging with the sun, the snow, the waters of the lake, the ducks, the seagulls.. the distant ringing of the cow bells blending in perfectly!

Alas in a few minutes, the mind resurfaces and urges me to carry on.


I stop by Lukas's atelier to say a quick hello to the workshop. Back at home, i find the cats happily snoozing completely unaware of the Joys of Sunshine! 

It's about 4PM in the afternoon.. The fog is rolling back-in almost with a vengeance. I'm glad that i was able to snatch a few glorious minutes to Bask in the Sunlight!!




THANK YOU Sun for brightening my Morning.. after all it's Thanksgiving Weekend!!