Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

SU Beckenried had set aside May 23rd for an evening stroll through a town in another canton in search of Maienkäfer (Beetles). I had not only signed up, but also volunteered to drive 3 other passengers in my car. It has been raining all weekend and by lunchtime, we have a heavy downpour going on. I wonder if the event will be rescheduled to tomorrow evening with a Sunnier & warmer the weather forecast. But No.. No.. No.. the Swiss like their calendars scheduled atleast a month in advance and once it's decided, it's set in Stone -- regardless of cooperation from weather Gods. Nevertheless, the low temperatures & rainy weather does not deter the group of ~20 women, I see gathered at Klewenparkplatz. We're told that we're driving to Altdorf - capital of Canton Uri. 

I have two women in my car "Antonia" and "Beatrice". As we drive through the 10 km Seelisberg tunnel, Antonia recounts her experience at the Medieval festival in Germany she attended during the weekend. Luckily the weather didn't play a spoilsport in Germany but since she doesn't have a Smartphone, she can't share pictures of the Knights, pipers, lit up castles & of course the ubiquitous Beery celebrations.

We stopover at Moosbad Altdorf, leaving two of the cars behind and bundle up into four cars towards the centre of Altdorf. It cold & rainy as we begin our stroll through this historic town.

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2016_05_Tell.jpgOur first stop is "Telldenkmal" - The world-famous Tell monument reminds us of the story of Switzerland’s origin. It was on this square, where Wilhelm Tell did his legendary apple shot atop his son's head. Nobody knows whether he is fact or fiction, but the story is known worldwide. He is the symbol of Swiss pride, courage, and the Swiss national hero of liberty. 
As we climb up the 200+ stairs of the Türmli  (tower), i wonder if some of the silver haired beauties amongst us will manage.

A historic audio narrative, in German, about Altdorf and William Tell fills the Tower. I don't understand much, and instead enjoy the extensive views of the village in all four directions.

We continue our walk along the narrow cobblestone road past Altersheim (Senior Home), the Parish church and through the Cemetery. The rain, fog & mist lend a mystic air and i allow my imagination to wander as i read the names of the dear departed and wonder what their lives were like.



We follow the old village walls, along the Altdorf vineyards, below the monastery, and reach a nature trail. It's quite a scene.. 20 women, 20 colorful rain jackets, 18 umbrellas, walking along a line into the woods and fields.

One of the ladies tells me that she had bought a Saree in India, but doesn't know how to wear it. I offer to help, wondering if she had bought the two other essentials. Ofcourse not.. It'll be a fun experience i guess, but for now the forest with all its fragrances is captivating me and I take a few deep breaths & let it refresh me to the core... I'm a l'l sad when the nature trail ends. 


We walk by the brewery where the "Stiär Biär" is brewed and along the now gushing waters of "Silent Reuss" to "Exotis Bistro" a bird park cafe. Mrs. Bonetti, the owner of the cafe tells me that she has collected the 55 exotic birds over a period of 12 years. As we sit in the cozy room, sipping coffee & tea, eating Rhubarb & Apple cake, I watch the women chatter away and the birds feeding their babies.







It's close to 11PM, when we make our way out, donn our jackets and headlamps and walk back along the river to the car park. On the drive back home, the conversation inside the tunnel is about rainy day snacks in India.. I tell my fellow passengers about Masala Chai, Samosas & Pakoras... mmmmm.. sounds good.

Unfortunately at 11PM in a tiny village in Central Switzerland, if i crave for it, I have to make them myself.. my excuse is that i don't have a Kadhai.. tongue-out