Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

As i pass by a Rabbit cage enroute my morning Hike, the Ebony and Ivory spotted Bunnies come hopping over to the mesh to greet me as if to say, take us on the walk with you. Much as I'd like to carry the soft, gentle cuties with me, I make do by taking a picture along. After all this is the digital age, nicht war??

Further up, a roadside waterfall makes me Pause and Reflect on the water flowing gently down from one step to the next, giving the gift of Life to the lush greenery around it. This one is for my cousin Neelu. It's her Birthday today. And sometime later, i glance up & out of nowhere, i spy a wooden Rabbit carved on a tree stump... Hmmm .. perhaps this one?? Nah.. too heavy.. So i continue my walk along the road till i come upon a split and then let my heart decide & the legs follow suit...

On this road, i find benches.. solitary ones and in twos, along roads and in meadows.. And i pause on each one of them, soaking in the Stillness, reflecting on Rabbits, basking in the Sunshine and munching on my snacks.. innocent 

Read more: Of benches and reflections: July 19th

Read more: Of benches and reflections: July 19th

Read more: Of benches and reflections: July 19th


Read more: Gifts of a gliding Swan: July 18th It's late in the evening, after a lazy day, we're headed for a Swim in the lake.. Some ducks as usual and then a Swan gently glides by, leaving two gifts behind... 

I make a beeline for them and grab them before they drift too far away. Such a blessing to have a fresh water lake practically at your doorstep to swim in. The ducks, swans and occasional dogs make it even more worthwhile :) A lady throws an apple into the lake, tempting her dog to go in after. The cold water does not merit a swim, he decides and stays put watching the Swan & the ducks fight over it. One's loss is always another's gain, isn't it?? 

Back home after the refreshing swim, it's concert time on the Balcony.. with Lukas on Guitar & vocals.. me joining in as & when i know the lyrics..laughing

Read more: Gifts of a gliding Swan: July 18th Read more: Gifts of a gliding Swan: July 18th


It's ~12:30PM.. I'm expecting the doorbell to ring any moment now. My friend Amy and her family are stopping by for a few hours enroute to Fiesch. We're having a simple Indian meal at home & she's bringing the desserts over from Paris... mmmm.. yummy.. can hardly wait for those. The doorbell rings and Amy's two little girls, as cute as butterflies, are smiling at us with sunglasses on their noses & dessert bags in their hands! I'm meeting them for the first time and they start chattering away in French.. Too bad, i didn't do due diligence during my visits to Paris... i can barely get past the customary 5 words. So great to see you again Amy :)

Read more: Butterflies visiting from Paris: July 16thClara and Chloé happily talk to the cats in French who seem to understand the kids more than i do. Our cats are multilingual -- they understand Swiss-German, German, English, Hindi and now French.. or perhaps they only understand the language of the Heart!

Over dessert & Coffee, we discuss the idea of opening a French bakery here. The Pastries and Macaroons are simply divine.. I could finish all of them right here, right now tongue-out Why can't the Swiss learn the art of dessert making from the French?? Guess we need to travel to Paris soon..

Later, a short drive to the meadow @ Sassi.. Amy & Seb enjoy the view whilst the girls delight themselves running around barefoot on the grass, picking flowers & following Butterflies. The air is filled with cries of  "Papillons" "Papillons".. and the blanket with flower-bouquets which shortly thereafter end up behind my and Lukas's ears laughing They're happy to jump up into Uncle Lukas's lap, much more comfortable than the bench or the blanket..

Soon it's time to bid goodbye. Clara and Chloé jump up to hug & kiss us. Amy and I decide to meet again soon.. either here or in Paris. Thank you Amy & Seb for the visit. Such a Joy to meet kids who are still Pure, unburdened by the political correctness of us Adults and just themselves..

A sunny & warm weekend morning with a slight breeze on the lake.. Lukas suggests we enjoy the still tranquil waters of the lake on Dolfin in the morning before the speedy motor-boat owners wake up. Yippee... I pack the precious gift from India along with water and snacks.

Lukas dismounts the Swiss flag and mounts the Indian Flag. Perfect Fit... and what Gorgeous colours. Thanks to Vivek, Anju and Deepak, we now have the only sail-boat with the Indian Flag on Lake Lucerne. I even sing the Nation Anthem while Lukas mounts the flag.. I'm surprised that i remember the words after so many years.. and as i sing, i can feel the goosebumps on my skin... Vande Mataram!!

And we're sailing away... 

Read more: Sailing with the Indian Tricolor on Lake Lucerne: July 10th

Read more: Sailing with the Indian Tricolor on Lake Lucerne: July 10th

Read more: Sailing with the Indian Tricolor on Lake Lucerne: July 10th