Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

A morning with clear blue sky and a gentle breeze is not to be wasted. Before the speedy motor-boaters disturb the tranquil waters of the lake, we hurry on to Dolfin...

5 hours & 20 km of "Ready to Turn?", "Ready!", "Turn", good wind = smooth sailing, no wind = just lazing & sleeping, strong winds = grappling with sails, learning to let go of my agenda and instead be guided by the wind, dangling legs in the cool waters, listening to Boccelli and just Being..

Read more: Learning the Lines (Ropes) of Sailing: Aug 7 Read more: Learning the Lines (Ropes) of Sailing: Aug 7


For a long time now, I've wanted to hike up to Klewenalp from home. Blue skies greet me as I look out of the window. Today is the day, I say to myself.. I load up my Hydration pack, bananas, some bars and Ricolas into my day pack. Yes Ricolas!! I love popping these sweet-sour herbal delights into my mouth every so often. Cap, Sunglasses and I'm ready to hit the trails. Oh no.. not so fast. The cats put on a melt-my-heart-sad face frown I take a few minutes to pet them.. Purr Purr. It's already 8:30AM, sorry ladies.. would love to hear more of the purring, but I need to get going. You're both more than welcome to jump into my backpack, just don't claw me from there..

I step out.. The clear blue sky and bright shining sun brings on a smile and I start singing "Sunshine on my Shoulders" (Thank you John Denver) as i start hopping my way up the hill.. After ~3km, some wet swampy patches start to dampen my rhythm & my shoes till I come across the happily grazing cows who don't seem to care too much about the swamp under their hoofs.. mmmmm.. i turn my attention to the bright skies instead.. Soon I'm at Schwändi. I look at my cell (6 km, 100mins and 740m Elevation gain).. Not bad, perhaps i can take a break now.. But my heart says.. Not here, Not now. A short while later I'm at the cute little Chapel of SteinStössi.

Read more: Legging it to Klewenalp and beyond: Aug 3rd

Read more: Legging it to Klewenalp and beyond: Aug 3rd


I follow my Heart to the stream flowing behind the Chapel.. The gentle burble of the stream, Sunlight filtering down from the foliage makes li'l patterns.. Ahh.. too tempting. I take off my shoes and let the water cool my feet. I feel it all the way to my Soul.. "I'm in no hurry. Why not spend my day here?" .. the thought crosses my mind, as i close my eyes. After what i thought was 5 mins, i open my eyes & grab a snack. I glance at my cell. I've been refreshing Mind, Body & Soul for a half hour now.  I feel it's time to get going..

Read more: Legging it to Klewenalp and beyond: Aug 3rd

Read more: Legging it to Klewenalp and beyond: Aug 3rd

Read more: Legging it to Klewenalp and beyond: Aug 3rd 

SU Beckenried has a cake stand today in DorfPlatz. I had volunteered to bring in a cake. Those who know me, know that Baking doesn't come naturally to me. All the exact proportions throw me off. I'm more of "today I'm in the mood of a pinch of this, a tad of that" kinda cook.

Anyways, I had offered and now I must Bake.  It's Swiss National Day and what better way to commemorate it than to bake - Urner Pastete - the characteristic Pie from the Canton of Uri, the Birthplace of Switzerland.

Lukas digs up the recipe from his Grandmother, who hailed from Göschenen. Under his expert directions, we bake the Pastete together -- Raisins, Wine, Sugar, Cinnamon, Butter, Flour, Eggs.. what's not to love??? We decorate the Pie with dough Crosses and fork pierces. A final paint with Egg yolk and it's ready to get golden in the Oven. That wasn't too bad, was it? Thanks to SU cake stand, I learnt something new today.

The “Urner Pastete” is a traditional farmer recipe that was prepared in the colder season as a source of energy. These days, it's more of a sweet accompaniment to Coffee.. 

Antonia & Marianne are at the Cakestand when i donate my Pie. Ahhh.. way too many temptations here. To satisfy my sweet-tooth, I buy myself slices of Rhubarb & Carrot cakes...


Read more: Honoring Swiss National Day with Urner Pastete: Aug 1st Read more: Honoring Swiss National Day with Urner Pastete: Aug 1st


14.11 Km, 4.5 hours, one really steep uphill (60% gradient), rough pebbly trails, smooth roads, mulch & moss covered paths, forests with age-old trees, gently sloping green meadows, cows, swans, sailboats, vine covered old houses, rewarding views, walking through sunshine, foresty shadows, cloud cover and rain to finally arrive at the Birthplace of Switzerland.

Here, below Seelisberg, in a clearing slightly above Lake Uri on the opposite side of the lake from Brunnen and the Mythen mountains, is where representatives from the three founding cantons – Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden – are said to have met on August 1, 1291 amidst continuing Habsburg repression to sign a pact of eternal mutual defence (the Rütli Oath), thereby laying the foundation of the Swiss Confederation as it stands today: “We want to be a band of brothers, sticking together through thick and thin!”.

The Rütli these days is a peaceful sanctuary on the lake. It is car-free and can be accessed only by boat or on foot via the Swiss Path from Seelisberg or Treib or from Beckenried like yours truly cool 

We pause by the SchwurzPlatz, Lukas poses like a representative from the founding cantons, solemly taking the oath, while me - still an Ausländer - can afford a Smile. As we're finishing up replenishing the calories in the restaurant, grey ominous looking clouds gather overhead. Time to head back - the best part, we just have to walk 500m to the Ship Station and enjoy the ride back home...

Read more: Hiking to the Birthplace of Switzerland: July 30th

Read more: Hiking to the Birthplace of Switzerland: July 30th

Read more: Hiking to the Birthplace of Switzerland: July 30th