Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

After parking my car in Stans Dorf, I start walking uphill on the pavement, heading towards a monastery and an organic grocery store.

Suddenly something hits me from behind & continues pushing me down on the ground. I then feel something roll over my legs. It was over in an instant, I turn to see a car coming to a stop nearby. From my position on the ground, I see hands of the driver shaking all over. I do a quick visual scan over my legs, luckily no gashes or blood. I try moving all parts of my body, I seem OK except my left leg is shaking uncontrollably. I just sit there on the roadside pavement (it's actually a pedestrian zone where I was walking) & observe.

I look again towards the car, I see a cyclist consoling an elderly silver haired lady, who is in tears & shaking uncontrollably. She’s the driver of the car that hit me & the cyclist is one of the two witnesses. Another man in black T-shirt & glasses appears. He collects my bag, hat from the ground & asks me if I’m ok. A couple comes out of a house & brings a chair for the elderly lady. The man then asks me if I’d like a chair. “Ja, bitte!” I whisper & he brings me one. 

The two witnesses take out their cells & begin calling. I call Lukas too. Within minutes, an ambulance & a police car show up. I sit calmly on the ground, breathing deeply & watching the scene unfold... the ride in the ambulance, the emergency ward, X-ray & then being admitted, learning to walk with crutches, visiting the police station to file the report.

Quite some experience.. what was supposed to be a quick 1-hour errand ends up being a 4 day adventure to the hospital. It’s going to be a long & painful road till I’m able to hike again. As Lukas says, the mountains are not running away anywhere anytime soon. “Patience, patience, patience my dear” I tell myself…

Since it's a police case, i can't publish anymore details. If you'd like to read more about my thoughts and feelings from the 4 day adventure, send me a mail & I'll forward the write-up :)

Summer in Switzerland is about being outdoors and, of course, like true locals hiking. Hardly anyone hikes here with hiking poles (except the seniors or those with bad knees)! Since I'd been hiking all by myself a lot recently, we decide to do one together.. like the locals.. on an unmarked trail along a ridge.. (Jeez.. can you hear my bones rattling???)

We park the car at Schwändi and begin walking uphill. The first km & half is easy-peasy walk in the park till we come to a cow shed and then, there's no sight of the trail. It seems to have been swallowed by the underbrush. A couple of back and forths, skirting itchy bushes & jumping over swampy puddles and finally we spot a narrow trail. From here, it'll all uphill.. over wet & slippery rocks.. I'm hoping that we're not returning this way. It's kinda relatively flat after reaching the ridge as we walk through a magical moss forest. I'm expecting fairies, pixies, elves or bespectacled men (cool) to jump out from behind the tree trunks at any moment. Soon we're walking on a slippery narrow trail along the ridge. It's barely wide enough to fit both feet... I walk with my heart in my mouth trying to focus on the beautiful views.

Read more: Musenalp - A tale of jittery knees and fine herbal tea: Aug 14


Friday evening, Sunset, Jazz-Blues concert by the lake, a Tuk-Tuk Bar with Indonesian food and some exotic drinks..

What does Tuk-Tuk have to do with Jazz, one may wonder? A creative Swiss guy has converted a Tuk-Tuk (3 wheeler) into a mobile Bar and named it "Gajah" Bar. Gajah in Sanskrit stands for "Elephant" and yes his vehicle does look like an elephant from the front. He parks his mobile bar at General Guisan Quai Stansstad, a beautiful beach on Lake Lucerne, and invites small bands for concerts on Friday evenings.  

Too bad, picky me wouldn't eat the Tempeh as the veggie and the chicken were grilled together on the same grill cry

Thank you Karin for the invite :)


Read more: Tuk-Tuk, Indonesian Food and Jazz Evening: Aug 12 Read more: Tuk-Tuk, Indonesian Food and Jazz Evening: Aug 12


4 hours, 12.67 km, 1158m elevation gain (start:765, max: 1923);

Jumping over shallow river beds and stacking rocks; 

Passing by Farms and Mountain huts;

Pausing to watch Horses, Cows and Goats grazing & basking in Sunshine;

Gingerly stepping over steep, narrow & pebbly trails;

Feeling like Heidi and going offtrail when cows block the path;

Spotting a "perfect for meditation seat" in the mountain ridge;

Watching paragliders fly-off from Niederbauen and remembering my own "closest-to-flying exhilarating" experience @ Torrey-Pines

To finally claim my reward after the steep climb to Niederbauen Chulm - an awe inspiring panoramic vista of Lake Luzern ringed by jagged peaks. 

Read more: Niederbauen Mountain Stroll: Aug 8