Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

The cloudy skies bring out the lazybum inside me. Too lazy to even have Breakfast this morning. And then a voice inside says "Get Up, Stand Up, Be on your Way!". I decide to step out for a short 30 min walk perhaps along the lake, to energize myself. However once outside, my feet, which seem to have a mind of their own today, start walking me up towards the mountains, with every step, leaving the Lake farther and farther behind..

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2016_05_IMG_2762.JPGI tell myself, perhaps it's the Alpacas, they must be thinking of me. That would be a good spot to turn back. But No, as i wave to the Alpacas & they nod their heads, my feet continue the upward climb. Perhaps Sassi is their destination today i say to myself. But just before i reach Sassi, my feet turn left.

Ahhh.. now i know, it must be the call of the waterfall.. I see and hear the milky waters gushing down behind the Green Veil. "Go with the Flow" sing the waters.. and my feet continue their march upwards. 

Farther up, the Alps are bursting with new Life.. blooming meadows, singing insects and the mellifluous cow-bells... I stop to smell the fresh blooms.. uhmmmm... and then Bees... oowww.. time to move on...

Higher and farther away from the lake that I'd planned to walk alongside.






As the hunger pangs hit me, I start to regret my decision to not have had breakfast. I'm craving to bite into a crisp Apple - lots of Apple trees around, but not the right season.. Well atleast some water will be helpful. Note to Self.. "Next time even if it's a 15 min walk, carry some water & chocolate is always welcome, especially the dark ones" -- Gosh, this isn't helping much.. all these chocolate thoughts are making me hungrier.. Anyways, i continue mesmerised by the beauty of the singing meadows.

I finally find a water spout @ Schwändi and satiate my hunger-pangs with the cool, fresh Alpine water. My heart & feet want to walk up to "Steinstössi Kapelle", which is just ~ 1Km further up, but I'm already 6.5 Km from home & need to walk back too. For once today, my head prevails over my heart and i turn back..

I decide to take a short-cut on my way back, but midway through, i find the ground too swampy to continue further.. Uh-oh, I don't have the energy to walk back uphill now. Luckily, crawling under electrified cow fences (amazing what feats hunger can make one perform!) i find a detour on a dirt road that leads me back to the path..Happy to be back on track, i lay down on the grassy meadow, close my eyes and enjoy the fresh songs of Spring that the Meadow sings to me... The feet that had a mind of their own a couple of hours earlier, seem to be quiet now. A magic carpet to fly back home would be wonderful... or perhaps a Siesta.. zzzzz

However, Sleep is elusive on a hungry stomach, so i "Get Up, Stand up and get on my way again".. with Bob Marley's "Get up, Stand Up, don't give up the Fight!" playing in my head all the way down home.


