Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

As i make my way to the Beckenried Strandbad (Beach) with sunglasses, hat and flip-flops, I'm reminded of the July 4th weekends in San Diego. It would be next to impossible to find a spot on the sandy beach of Torrey Pines... Umbrellas, Gazebos and elaborate Grills dotted the beach from early morning. RVs, SUVs and cars taking up all available parking spots..

Pretty similar scene here, though on a much smaller scale. We have a tiny beach, not too many auto parking spots, but a lot more bike stands (Ahem!).. and they're all taken. Seems like all of Beckenried is here. Little umbrellas line the grassy beach, paddle boarders and swimmers are enjoying the warm waters and Sunshine.

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2016_07_IMG_2933.JPGIt's the annual Grill event for the Sport Union. About 50-60 women have gathered to bask in the Sunshine and also to have one last get together, before the Summer Break. No more events, sports or activities for the next two months. I talk in Hoch Deutsch (High-German) to the ladies at the table over a glass of "Moscato d'Asti" about this and that.. Conversation in German flows easily after the Moscato.. perhaps i should get another glass.. but better sense prevails and i decide to wait until after dinner. 

Dinner -- what can a veggie girl expect to find in a hardcore meat eating village's teeny li'l restaurant hosting a Grilling event??? But whoa.. it's my lucky day -- I dig into the veggie SpringRolls and Salad.. Ummm. Not bad!!

More talks.. mixing around, sitting with a group of women at another table, talking, laughing.. i get invited to join them for an outdoor movie this coming Friday.. .. Then dessert.. yummy cakes, sipping Tea... more talks, licking my dessert plate clean (figuratively! -- haven't yet licked plates here clean in public). 

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2016_07_IMG_2935.JPGSunset bathes the Sky & the waters with a lovely orange hue.. The grassy beach is deserted now.. i walk along the lake, listening to the waves.. remembering a story about a conversation between a Big wave and the little wave afraid of losing its existence by crashing into the shore, soaking in the colorful palette in front of me.. Vreni talking to another woman (Apologies, I've forgotten the name already)...

and then there's Silence... within and without.. Deep and Peaceful. 

Back to the hubbub of the tables.. more talk.. some announcements.. it's getting a bit cooler.. soon the jackets start to come out. Me -- didn't think that far ahead.. so have no jacket on me.. the cool breeze actually feels nice, but these pesky mosquitoes.. would love to have a Jacket to keep them at Bay... Coffee continues to make its rounds on the tables.. i wonder how do these women sleep?? Just one cup in forenoon is enough to send my heart racing.. I get myself an ice-cream instead.. and gleefully lick it down to the stick.. ummmm... mmmm....sinfully delicious ice-creams in this country.. best enjoyed on a cool Summer evening amidst the setting Sun!!!