Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

I'm out on a walk when Claudia texts me if I'd like to join her for Vita-Parcours in Seelisberg. But ofcourse!! I'm always ready for some outdoors fun, especially if it comes with a view.

Cara and Russell(Carussel), eager to get out, start barking excitedly as we park. They run around in glee. We start running up the trail to the starting point, jumping over tree roots, gingerly stepping over small stones, moss & wet earth. I bask in the Forest's atmosphere, soaking it in through all five senses. I let the sights, sounds, aromas and sensations of the Forest wash over me, gently touching the leaves and branches of the trees i run past and thanking them silently. Just being here is Therapy in itself.

Soon we arrive at the first station. It's a 1.9KM long course with fifteen stations and a total of 43 exercises (Endurance, flexibility, agility and strength) along with Pre & Post stretches. Though the exercise descriptions are in German, the accompanying pictures make it quite simple to follow. And Claudia is kind & patient to explain the not-so-obvious. We run from one station to the next, Carussel always finding something interesting to dig. Claudia has a bone for Russell, so he won't get tempted to carry stones in his mouth. He still manages to lose the bone a couple of times though tongue-out

After frog jumping, landing, running around & vaulting over obstacles, swinging & hanging by our arms (the hardest for me), push-ups & pull-ups, we arrive at a T-junction. Though the Blue parkour signs are pointing to our left, Claudia runs to the right. A detour, she says.. a few hundred meters later, I know why..

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2016_06_IMG_2885.JPGAnd there in all it's beauty, framed by the tree --Turquoise waters of Lake Lucerne, Blue Sky, Green mountains draped by white clouds.. A view that my eyes will never tire of. We stand mesmerised for a few minutes. My Spirit soars like a Condor riding on thermals along this Ridge, over the waters and on to the green mountains beyond. A bark brings me out of my Reverie.. 

Time to get back on track.. the last couple stations are calling us...  

As i jump over wet slippery roots and stones, I'm happy that i've managed good this far in my not so trail-friendly shoes. Didn't realise that the trail would be so slippery.. and just as I'm thanking my Lucky Stars.. i Slip... Aaiiii.. aaaiiiiii... aaaiiiiii.. my mind flashes back to another similar fall in New Jersey. This time however i land on my feet and not on my knees. I hear creaking sounds from my left ankle.. I stand for a few seconds feeling the pain shoot up from the ankle.. then it stops.. i shake my leg a bit, rotate my ankle clockwise and counterclockwise.. No creaks & no shooting pain. Ok i haven't broken anything.. Time to get back. I start running.. gingerly at first & then back.. Ankle feels ok.. i can feel a throbbing inside, but no sharp pain.

I arrive at Station 14 with Balance Beam exercises.. i manage to walk forward & backwards on the long zig-zag beam and also do one-leg Half Moon balances.. ok.. all good with my Leg. We run back to the parking lot & do some final stretches. I feel happy & energised.. A cool set of exercises amidst a therapeutic setting. 

THANK YOU Claudia, for yet another First in Switzerland!!! We talked, laughed, had fun & oh-by-the-way got some exercise too.. cool

Back at home, as i take off my shoes, i feel a sharp pain in my left ankle & it is swollen.. Uh-oh.. perhaps wasn't a good idea to run after the fall.. Not the first time that my ankle has sprained.. i know the routine.. RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) and no more outdoors for a Month... Ouch.. Now that hurts more than the ankle!!

As i lay with my feet propped up, my mind replays the parcours course.. I liked it.. A routine that one can personalise.. learn with  their own technique, way of moving, abilities and limitations. One can be oneself, not someone else.