Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Today, exactly a year ago, i arrived in Switzerland... I reflect on the year gone by.. Seems like just yesterday I was bidding goodbye to my cousins and my life in US and boarding the plane to Zurich..

Been quite a year -- made many new First experiences -- I have been blessed with a lot of Love from Lukas, Nellie-Skylar, Claudia-Armand, Walti-Bettina and many other old & new friends. It's been a year of unlearning the US to learning the Swiss way of Life.. from language to metrics to traffic to weather to food to simply letting go & just Being.

I can now carry on conversations in Hoch-Deutsch with even perfect strangers, read German books, watch Merkel deliver a speech to EU and understand most of it! My friends tell me I should be proud of my German, but me.. i think i know myself far better to take a breather.

A lot of fun & laughter, wow & humbling moments, some tears, some fears, some adjustments... But all in all a fun ride!! 

And now it's time to hang out with Lukas beside the Lake, with a drink in hand and Enjoy Us in this Paradise!!
