Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

A sunny & warm weekend morning with a slight breeze on the lake.. Lukas suggests we enjoy the still tranquil waters of the lake on Dolfin in the morning before the speedy motor-boat owners wake up. Yippee... I pack the precious gift from India along with water and snacks.

Lukas dismounts the Swiss flag and mounts the Indian Flag. Perfect Fit... and what Gorgeous colours. Thanks to Vivek, Anju and Deepak, we now have the only sail-boat with the Indian Flag on Lake Lucerne. I even sing the Nation Anthem while Lukas mounts the flag.. I'm surprised that i remember the words after so many years.. and as i sing, i can feel the goosebumps on my skin... Vande Mataram!!

And we're sailing away... 





It's a quiet & peaceful morning, a few brave swimmers in the lake, some swans gently gliding by, the sea-gulls flying above, a couple of paragliders off Niederbauen..

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The gentle rocking motion is lulling me into sleep.. but oh-no.. it's training time. To learn the fine art of Knotting-the-Ropes. Everyone on sail boats needs to know how to. And so it begins.. me with my fingers and hands awkwardly at first, then slowly i get the hang of it until i pass the final test -- Tie them with eyes closed. No peeking allowed ;)





Ahhh.. finally i can sleep.... zzzz..

The excited chatter of some visitors brings me back to the present.. Awww... too bad we didn't have any bread cry
