Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

As i pass by a Rabbit cage enroute my morning Hike, the Ebony and Ivory spotted Bunnies come hopping over to the mesh to greet me as if to say, take us on the walk with you. Much as I'd like to carry the soft, gentle cuties with me, I make do by taking a picture along. After all this is the digital age, nicht war??

Further up, a roadside waterfall makes me Pause and Reflect on the water flowing gently down from one step to the next, giving the gift of Life to the lush greenery around it. This one is for my cousin Neelu. It's her Birthday today. And sometime later, i glance up & out of nowhere, i spy a wooden Rabbit carved on a tree stump... Hmmm .. perhaps this one?? Nah.. too heavy.. So i continue my walk along the road till i come upon a split and then let my heart decide & the legs follow suit...

On this road, i find benches.. solitary ones and in twos, along roads and in meadows.. And i pause on each one of them, soaking in the Stillness, reflecting on Rabbits, basking in the Sunshine and munching on my snacks.. innocent 









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