Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2018_05_IMG_6268.JPGIt's Pentecost weekend and we're having Breakfast outside with visiting friends. Suddenly Skylar comes shrieking down at full speed being chased by another cat. She jumps onto the Window bench and starts licking herself. She's shaking all over - extremely scared. Lukas shoos away the other cat and tries to calm her. She's bleeding and licking her paw and extremely shaken. Somehow he manages to bring her in and she immediately runs and hides into the attic and starts to meow painfully. My heart is bleeding more than her paw cry


I manage to coax her to come down and she lays with me in the bed, still bleeding and meowing in pain. I try to give all my energy to her while Lukas calls the emergency Vets. It's a holiday and weekend, but we're able to manage an appointment in Luzern. We pad her in cat basket with a blanket and drive to Luzern.. she's meowing in pain all the way. The Vet says they need to operate on her open paw with sedation. It'll take a couple of hours. We walk to a nearby cafe and sit down.. sad.. not knowing what awaits us.. hoping for the best.

After the surgery, she's still groggy.. She has a big orange bandage around her paw. The Vet tells us that we need to ensure that the bandage remains. If not she will open the stitches again. We have sprays that will prevent her from licking on the bandage. She's still recovering from sedation and is calm on our drive back home. Lukas puts her gently in her hammock at home.

A couple of hours later, the affects of sedatives have worn off & then begins the shaking.. She's desperately trying to shake off the bandage and runs around.. she manages to get it off in 10 mins.. OMG.. what now??? And then starts the licking of the wound. How to explain to the cat that she should let it be.. We manage to hold her and bandage the paw again, but to no avail. This cat knows how to free her paw. We try a few times & then give it up. She's hobbling around & again escapes into the Attic continuing her painful meowing. We're at our wit's end...