Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2019_03_IMG_7322.jpgFor most people sledding is a leisurely activity, you hike up a hill with your little plastic or wooden sled, cruise down and then do it all over again. But these Swiss do it a little differently, especially when the traditional Horn Sled Race "Hornschlitten-Rennen" comes around. Traditionally, "horn sleds" were used by farmers to transport hay and wood from higher elevations to the main farm in the valley, Today, horn sled races are held just for fun and attract numerous participants and spectators throughout Switzerland. 


Every winter, the snowy slopes of Klewenalp provide a picturesque backdrop to a traditional & fun-filled activity: the horn sled races. Today is the 23rd annual Horn Sled Race on Klewenalp. Even though the weather conditions are less than optimal, we decide to go, since I haven't seen one yet, and would like to add it to my bucket-list of traditional swiss events.

Soon we find our way unto Klewenalp station, where we rent a couple of Sledges and off we go.. We take the lift upto Chälenegg, where the Horn-sleds have already being laid out by the participants. There's about 70 odd sleds. In contrast to these beasts, our sleds are minuscule.. but yet perfect to slide to Silbi's Tipi Stube, from where we can chill out and enjoy the racers sliding by.

Teams of two descend from Chälenegg, sledding all the way to Talboden, a distance of ~2.2 KM, reaching breakneck speeds of up to 75 km/h, steering with hands, feet, lower body to manoeuvre the curves and slopes. I stand outside with my cup of Hexler Tee (Peppermint Tea with Vodka) and watch with awe as these daredevils race by.. cheering them on.. Hopp!! Hopp!! Hopp!!











