Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

How about lazing around with the cats???


Read more: What to do when you're snowed in -- Dec 17

Read more: What to do when you're snowed in -- Dec 17

Read more: What to do when you're snowed in -- Dec 17


The best thing about returning home, is being greeted by Nellie. If she's outside, she always comes by and greets us - no matter the time of the day or the weather.

How sweet it is to be welcomed by you Nellie -- THANK YOU for all the Joys you bring to us!!!


Read more: Nellie's warm welcome -- Dec 15

Read more: Nellie's warm welcome -- Dec 15

Read more: Nellie's warm welcome -- Dec 15


Read more: Hello Snow -- Dec 11It's a Joy to wake up to powdery white snow covered surroundings. There's peace in the air -- you can almost smell the Silence.

The Sun decides to comes out from behind the clouds in the afternoon - melting some of the snow and i say to myself -- Time to enjoy the sunshine and head out for a walk.

Nellie and Skylar watch me walk away from their perch on the front porch.

An hour and 4 kms later, after hiking up to the village, swinging on the swing and watching the view of lake with Fronalpstöck in the backdrop.. I'm happy to be back in the warmth of the home.

A steaming cup of Hot Cocoa is always delicious .. Dankeschön Lukas tongue-out

December doesn't begin without the customary visit to the Beckenried Samichlaus Market on the first Saturday. No visit to this Christmas Fair in Beckenried is complete without enjoying the BratKäse & Glühwein, watching the Santa Parade and maybe even meeting Santa..


Read more: The Santa Tradition @ Beckenried -- Dec 01' 2018

Read more: The Santa Tradition @ Beckenried -- Dec 01' 2018

Read more: The Santa Tradition @ Beckenried -- Dec 01' 2018