Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Seven ladies in their mid to late sixties

who've welcomed this Indian into their lives

come by for a visit: a sneak peek into -

my Life, Culture and Heritage,

and our lovingly restored 400 year old home -

these ladies from central Swiss village

are not shy to enjoy this simple Indian fare

some even relish with their fingers bare

the taste of turmeric, ginger and bayleaf

while some others watch in total disbelief

As I walk back to the Bus stop with them

My heart is singing a happy hum

Thank you for taking the time and your efforts

truly enjoyed sharing my day with you jolly good sports!!!


Read more: Haus Unterrüti Tour -- Nov 04' 2019

Read more: Haus Unterrüti Tour -- Nov 04' 2019

Read more: Haus Unterrüti Tour -- Nov 04' 2019


Read more: Delicious Sunshine -- Oct 29


Read more: Diwali -- Oct 27With a Saree on and an attempted smile

i sit in front of your altar for a while...

And in my mind plays this Hindi poem from Childhood...


दिये से मिटेगा न मन का अंधेरा
धरा को उठाओ, गगन को झुकाओ!
बहुत बार आई-गई यह दिवाली
मगर तम जहां था वहीं पर खड़ा है,

बड़े वेगमय पंख हैं रोशनी के
न वह बंद रहती किसी के भवन में,
किया क़ैद जिसने उसे शक्ति छल से
स्वयं उड़ गया वह धुंआ बन पवन में,

दिये से मिटेगा न मन का अंधेरा
धरा को उठाओ, गगन को झुकाओ!


Read more: My Guide -- Oct 24In front of me she walks with her high-held tail,

leading me along on this autumny trail,

under her soft paws the dry leaves hardly rustle,

tail on one side, she pauses to sniff at the new smell,

following it to the grassy patch,

where she stops to scratch,

now back on the trail,

she walks on -- graceful and frail...


Read more: My Guide -- Oct 24

Read more: My Guide -- Oct 24

Read more: My Guide -- Oct 24