Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: A wreath for a Cake -- Dec 12My Brazilian friend invites us over for a special treat -- An awesome Brazilian Chocolate Coffee Flan Cake. Three good things combined – flan, coffee flavor and chocolate – mhmmmm...

Since Christmas is in the air, I make an all natural wreath for her -- combining three good colors -- Green ivy & pine, Brown branches, and Colourful Hortensias -- all intertwined together with love into a wreath.

The cake is nothing short of finger-licking delicious. Before we know it, between the three of us, we've devoured half the cake.  We're curious how she managed to keep the flan & cake layers separated. 

She divulges her Trick: All you got to do is a caramel sauce (as usual for a flan) – add that to a proper flan baking tin – then top that with the chocolate cake batter and then the flan mixture on top. During the baking process, the flan mixture and the chocolate cake switch places and you end up with a delicious chocolate cake that has a flan with caramel on top.

It’s pretty amazingly delicious... tongue-out

Read more: Karthikai Moon -- Dec 10


Read more: Stroll with Skylar -- Dec 0930 mins, some 370 m and Skylar shows me the forest around the house through her eyes -- 

Climbing on every tree trunk smelling it for any new traces, scratching it with her sharp claws, every now & then looking back to make sure I'm still following her, creeping under bushes and branches, jumping over fences, eyeing birds up a tree, waiting on a rock for me to catch up. It's amazing how totally present she is with all her senses, naturally blending in with her surroundings - being One with Nature.

A cat's world, so much more "Here and Now" than ours!


Read more: Stroll with Skylar -- Dec 09

Read more: Stroll with Skylar -- Dec 09

Read more: Stroll with Skylar -- Dec 09


Read more: Stroll with Skylar -- Dec 09

Read more: Stroll with Skylar -- Dec 09

Read more: Stroll with Skylar -- Dec 09


Love hanging out together ... 😻😻


Read more: My Snugglu & I -- Dec 06

Read more: My Snugglu & I -- Dec 06

Read more: My Snugglu & I -- Dec 06