Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Friday evening, Sunset, Jazz-Blues concert by the lake, a Tuk-Tuk Bar with Indonesian food and some exotic drinks..

What does Tuk-Tuk have to do with Jazz, one may wonder? A creative Swiss guy has converted a Tuk-Tuk (3 wheeler) into a mobile Bar and named it "Gajah" Bar. Gajah in Sanskrit stands for "Elephant" and yes his vehicle does look like an elephant from the front. He parks his mobile bar at General Guisan Quai Stansstad, a beautiful beach on Lake Lucerne, and invites small bands for concerts on Friday evenings.  

Too bad, picky me wouldn't eat the Tempeh as the veggie and the chicken were grilled together on the same grill cry

Thank you Karin for the invite :)


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