Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

After parking my car in Stans Dorf, I start walking uphill on the pavement, heading towards a monastery and an organic grocery store.

Suddenly something hits me from behind & continues pushing me down on the ground. I then feel something roll over my legs. It was over in an instant, I turn to see a car coming to a stop nearby. From my position on the ground, I see hands of the driver shaking all over. I do a quick visual scan over my legs, luckily no gashes or blood. I try moving all parts of my body, I seem OK except my left leg is shaking uncontrollably. I just sit there on the roadside pavement (it's actually a pedestrian zone where I was walking) & observe.

I look again towards the car, I see a cyclist consoling an elderly silver haired lady, who is in tears & shaking uncontrollably. She’s the driver of the car that hit me & the cyclist is one of the two witnesses. Another man in black T-shirt & glasses appears. He collects my bag, hat from the ground & asks me if I’m ok. A couple comes out of a house & brings a chair for the elderly lady. The man then asks me if I’d like a chair. “Ja, bitte!” I whisper & he brings me one. 

The two witnesses take out their cells & begin calling. I call Lukas too. Within minutes, an ambulance & a police car show up. I sit calmly on the ground, breathing deeply & watching the scene unfold... the ride in the ambulance, the emergency ward, X-ray & then being admitted, learning to walk with crutches, visiting the police station to file the report.

Quite some experience.. what was supposed to be a quick 1-hour errand ends up being a 4 day adventure to the hospital. It’s going to be a long & painful road till I’m able to hike again. As Lukas says, the mountains are not running away anywhere anytime soon. “Patience, patience, patience my dear” I tell myself…

Since it's a police case, i can't publish anymore details. If you'd like to read more about my thoughts and feelings from the 4 day adventure, send me a mail & I'll forward the write-up :)