Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: When the Polizei serve alcohol -- Feb 25What happens... when the Polizei (Police in English) start serving alcohol as much as one wants, just as long as one is sane enough to pay for it??

Well creatures of all kinds start gathering up....

Wild Native Tribals, Witches, Cat Women, Clowns, Pirates, Sheikhs, Mythical and Mystical characters from the past and the future break the Time Travel Conundrum and start appearing spontaneously -- Smiles & merriment galore as Alcohol by the meter is served around!!

It's Beckenried Fasnacht and I have volunteered yet again to help at the Buffet counter later in the afternoon ...trying hard to look all serious in my Polizei costume.. and not to drink too many of the Häxler (Vodka + Peppermint) Teas myself !!! wink

From a Pirate to Polizei in one year.. hmmm.. quite a Step up or would one say Step down???

Read more: Cooking Khichdi with a Swiss Miss -- Feb 20Creamy and fragrant, filling without being heavy, deceptively rich-tasting and supremely healthful at the same time -- "Khichdi is India’s chicken soup for the soul”: a dish everyone knows, and everyone knows how to make..

So when Andrea Theis calls to ask if I would teach her to cook Khichdi a la Ayurveda, I'm more than happy to oblige. I prepare the handouts -- Indian Traditions, Ayurveda basics, Spice-cheat-sheet and Recipes; Bindis and a Mango Smoothie to begin with.

While going over the spices, I tell her that Ayurvedic experts consider Khichdi a vital food for restoring balance to body and mind. She's pleasantly surprised to learn that it is used in Ayurvedic cleansing therapy, because of its ease of digestion and assimilation...

Soon we're chopping veggies, washing daal and rice and the Khichdi gets underway. I tell her that the humble Khichdi is also endlessly variable, a veritable mix-and-match for all manner of grains, dals and greens. In Hindi, Khichdi means “a mess” or “all mixed up.” Take that to heart, and it will never bore you....

Read more: Winter Wonderland: Jan 223 Humans, 1 cute Dog, hiking up to Tannibüel Klewenalp...

Blessed with Blue Sky & Sunshine on a Bone-Chilling Cold Day,

Powder Snow.. soft under the feet, sturdy atop Chapels, piled on fir-trees and alpine huts, along streams, 

Providing a soft-cool blanket for Cara to cool her hot paws,

Triggering deep conversations,

Putting the feet up after a carb-rich Cheese & Potato Snack, 

Siesta ---

Too bad.. have to walk back down too tongue-out 

Read more: High Tea with an octogenarian: Jan 18Maria, whom I had met last month @ Albert and Elisabeth's, has invited me over for a cup of Tea later this afternoon. I'm super excited about visiting an octogenarian. I pick a flower arrangement as special as she is to take with me..

As i climb up to her penthouse apartment, I wonder how the evening will turn out.. She greets me at the door with a big smile (as always). She looks beautiful, not in the least bit like an 80 year old. I wonder how i will be when I'm 80 (if i live up to that age, that is!) - will i be independent? I'll be happy, if I'm half as mobile as she is..

She takes my coat and quickly brings me a pair of house slippers! Wow... how very thoughtful. I tell her that i find the little glittery decorations on the slippers sweet and she immediately tells me that i can take them home with me. Touched by her generosity, I tell her i'd rather leave them here, so i could wear them on my next visit.