Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Luzia had been pinging me over the last couple of weeks to go on a hike together and each time, i had something else planned for the day. So when she pinged me ~10AM asking if I'd like to hike with her later that afternoon in Bürgenstock, i said "But Of-course"! I had been there a couple of days back with Lukas, but i just didn't want to tell her a No again..

It's extremely foggy in the afternoon as we drive up the hill in Ennetbürgen. Visibility is almost zero on a few curves. She drives bravely through the mist and almost magically after one turn, we're over the Sea of Fog..  blessed with brilliant Sunshine - the Winter Sun almost blinding us. We park the car, pull out our Sunglasses and start walking & talking... About this & that - Yoga, her kids, my plans to start offering trips to India. We watch the Setting Sun and the colors in total Silence and Respect. And now, we need to start heading down as the Sun goes down. 

Read more: Losing ourselves on Bürgenstock trails: Dec 22


It's a cold morning as we set out to Vevey. A memorial service for a family member is organised at a Church in Vevey later in the afternoon. We stop at Lukas's sister's home to pick them up and continue the long drive. We'll probably be on the road for another two to two and a half hours depending on the traffic. During the conversation, I learn a bit about the family member who passed away. I had never met her, but have met her Daughter and Granddaughter.

It's grey and raining as we pull into the parking lot and look around for a place for Lunch. Walking alongside the lake, I'm suddenly Vis-a-vis with the famous Tramp of "Modern Times" - Charlie-Chaplin. "After he was denied re-entry to USA, Charlie-Chaplin decided to settle in Vevey with his spouse and children", Lukas tells me. Always a pleasure to see Charlie Chaplin and to be reminded of his work and geniality. He stands proud and charming. His sculpture exudes happiness and natural elegance. 

Standing behind the statue, it appears as if he's admiring the giant Fork in the lake - probably wondering what the Hell is that giant thing doing there anyways...

A Pizza restaurant nearby puts a smile on all our faces. That's what we need - Pizza on a cold wet winter day.


Read more: Meeting the Read more: Meeting the


Read more: Of Christmas Decorations and Cookies: Dec 20Each Christmas, Albert Frank decorates his home for weeks and his wife Elisabeth, bakes yummy Christmas Cookies (Weihnachtsguetzli) in all possible finger-licking delicious forms.... It's ~Noon and he calls Lukas and asks if we'd like to visit his home this evening to check out the decorations.. But of-course, i can't wait to try out the cookies.. when it comes to christmas cookies..  I have only Sweet Teeth - all 28 of them!!

Lukas bakes an Urner Pastete to take with us. Each part of the House is thoughtfully and heartfully decorated.. from the various candles to the Santas made from peanuts.. what i love is the use of candles and not just light bulbs..

But as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words... so i zip up and let the pictures do the talking.

Read more: Fiery Sky and Sea of Fog: Dec 18Leisurely Sunday afternoon 5km walk -

Sea of Fog below, Fiery Skies above,

Green Meadows around,

Smiles abound...