Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2017_01_IMG_4127.JPGMaria, whom I had met last month @ Albert and Elisabeth's, has invited me over for a cup of Tea later this afternoon. I'm super excited about visiting an octogenarian. I pick a flower arrangement as special as she is to take with me..

As i climb up to her penthouse apartment, I wonder how the evening will turn out.. She greets me at the door with a big smile (as always). She looks beautiful, not in the least bit like an 80 year old. I wonder how i will be when I'm 80 (if i live up to that age, that is!) - will i be independent? I'll be happy, if I'm half as mobile as she is..

She takes my coat and quickly brings me a pair of house slippers! Wow... how very thoughtful. I tell her that i find the little glittery decorations on the slippers sweet and she immediately tells me that i can take them home with me. Touched by her generosity, I tell her i'd rather leave them here, so i could wear them on my next visit. 


The apartment is spick and span, everything in it's place and a place for everything... Traditional china collectibles displayed atop the kitchen cabinets with charm and style. We sit down at the table and dig into her freshly baked cake... mmmmmhm... Cake and Tea in the company of a charming 80 year old. 

Quite some High Tea - Swiss Style - comes with delicious finger-licking Rahm (whipped cream) . Clotted Cream & Scones - Better watch out!! tongue-out