Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2018_11_IMG_6894.jpgContinuing a tradition dating back ~200 years, Bern’s annual Zibelemärit (Onion Market) takes place on the fourth Monday of November, when the Federal Square in front of Bundeshaus (Home of Switzerland’s federal government) becomes a boisterous, confetti-strewn, odoriferous podium dedicated to the humble kitchen staple “The Onion”.

As we get off the train at Bern, we’re welcomed with the smells of onion pies and cheese quiches wafting in the air. 

We make our way through the throngs to the Bundesplatz - Stalls overflowing with Oniony creations of every kind, colour and form: artful wreaths, plaited strings, dolls, cats and other onion characters are there for the taking.

Lukas buys lemon & peppermint sugar bead garlands that we put around our necks, and stroll around admiring the oniony artwork on display, savoring Zibeleküche (Onion tart), Käsewähe (Cheese quiche) along the way.

A warming mug of Glühwein provides the perfect compliment to the spicy-cheesy treats.







