Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

The Sun is shining brightly over clear Deep Blue Skies -- a few whiffs of clouds around, but thankfully not a single plane on the Horizon.

The lake waters are also calm and blue -- there are no ripples and waves, thanks largely to the absence of boats.

And to bask in this glorious sunshine, i make an exception and walk along the road today. The woods will still be around tomorrow, but today i want to drench in the warmth of the Sun, feast my eyes on the placid waters of the lake and the green meadows all around...

Read more: Glorious Sunshine -- Mar 15 Read more: Glorious Sunshine -- Mar 15


With the virus spreading rapidly in northern Italy, Switzerland introduces border controls in the canton of Ticino.

Meanwhile not everyone has got the message. Young people in numerous towns and cities continue to party, flouting government guidance.

Since we live so off the beaten track and don't socialise much anyways, our Life hasn't changed much except that on my walks i start to avoid the trails and opt for forests, which thankfully we have plenty around here...


Meanwhile Skylar oblivious of our human Corona fears, continues taking me out on her usual Jungle walks...

Tomorrow and the day after, we have my 3rd Pilates Certification Module and I'm a little anxious about the upcoming weekend's proceedings. We're all usually enclosed in one room.. Social Distancing?? How are we then to demonstrate our very first independent teaching sequences where we are expected to physically correct when someone performs a sequence incorrectly??

All these thoughts weigh me down and Skylar waits for me patiently under a Tree...


Read more: Feline Jungle Gymnastics II -- Mar 06 Read more: Feline Jungle Gymnastics II -- Mar 06


The first fatality in Swiss - A 74-year-old woman in Lausanne dies of COVID-19 cry

May her soul rest in peace...