Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

We've just finished our lunch when Armand calls to invite us for a walk @ Klewenalp with their dogs. Lukas has to go back to his atelier, but i jump at the opportunity! It's bright & sunny atop Klewenalp as we get off the Gondola. The place is swarming with skiers, sledgers, skateboarders and hikers... It's like everyone from Beckenried & beyond is up here.

Claudia & Armand tell me that we're just doing the Klewenalp loop trail.. "An easy walk starting directly from the mountain station of Klewenalp, over the high plateau, around Klewenstock and back to the cable car" 

Cara is as usual happy to be in the snow and Russell toes the line, wishing he were on a sunny beach instead. It's a clear day and one can see even the lakes at a distance.. Armand points out to the peaks surrounding us. They've pretty much climbed all of them. We stop at Bergrestaurant Tannibüel to enjoy Coffee, Snacks and SUN. The Sun shines directly on us and we soak it in. It's ONE Glorious day!!

I take a sip of my Kaffee "Kräuter" (Herbal Schnapps) and watch Claudia's shadow play on the wall. My eye-lids start to droop...Ummm.. a Siesta, right here, right now sounds more attractive by the minute!!! Do we really need to walk?? I look at Russell.. I think he shares my opinion. Well.. whether Russell & I like it or not, soon we'e back on our feet.. frown






All of a sudden Armand veers off the trail & starts climbing uphill with the dogs. I assume he's just playing with the dogs. Claudia says that it might be best if we both just followed Armand from here on. WHAT??? I look up.. we're going straight up on this ridge, wondering if i misunderstood the "easy walk part" somehow?? Knowing Armand & Claudia, i should've realised that their easy walks are usually trails meant for Tigers -- not humans like me. I thank God that it's atleast uphill & not Downhill. It's actually not as bad as it looked. Soon I'm enjoying myself.. of course there are some spots where i end up being on all fours (since i didn't bring my hiking poles). We pause at the top of the ridge for a breather and a couple of pictures.. 

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The trail from this point on is narrow & laden with fresh Snow. I walk gingerly as at times I sink into knee deep snow. Claudia advises me to actually dig my feet in. I watch Cara and Russell happily run down the snowy slopes & make their way back up. By the time we reach "Panorama Schneebar" strong winds kick in. A friend tells us that a big storm is in the making here. C & A cancel their night-time skiing plans and accept my Indian-veggie dinner invitation. After braving the winds for sometime with our hoods & gloves on, we decide to step inside..  But, Boy, oh boy.. Loud music & human traffic jam inside makes the strong wind more appealing. Claudia & I step back out into fresh air.. 

Few more minutes and we're back at the cable car station. It's the first time I've seen such a long line.. we step in after about 3 cable cars. Back in Beckenried as we part ways, my mind is already working a list of grocery store items for the dinner.

Ahhh Dinner sounds wonderful.. but first I have to cook it!!!