Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It's yet another grey wintry morning. Yawwwwnnnnn.. My still sleepy head starts conjuring up fancy excuses to stay in bed -- Well maybe in an hour the fog might disappear - that might be the more appropriate time to really "Rise and Shine".. I close my eyes just for a second.. A tug on my hair wakes me up.. It's the cats.. They're hungry. it's already 8:30AM!!! Time sure flies quickly whlist snoozing... zzzz... zzz...

With breakfast inside them, the cats are happy to curl-up in their hammocks! I look outside.. The fog is here to stay. No chance for Sunshine to breakthrough this thick cover today. We're surrounded by Grey -- moist greyish white fog everywhere.. No more mountains, lakes, greenery!!! I feel like the world begins & ends in our apartment and suddenly it's there.. A Silence that's thick enough to be cut with a Knife. Where every little sound whether it's a dog barking, bird chirping, car passing by or ship horn has it's space and is not distracting.  We let it engulf us and Time seems to stand StiLL..

Lukas suggests we should go up to Klewenalp to catch some Sun. The Klewenalp Bahn (longest cable car in central Swiss) begins it's ascent from the village (450mts) upto Klewenalp Station (1600 mts). Within a couple of mins, we're at about 1000mts and above the upper limit of the fog. It's a crisp, blue day here -- sunshine lighting up all the peaks -- and a Sea of Fog hiding Lake Lucerne and all the villages dotting it's shoreline. Lukas tells me that it's a regular phenomena in the winters and it's called "nebelmeer"



It's a very warm 9ºC at Klewenalp!! The place is deserted with just a couple of skiers, sledgers & hikers. The absence of fresh snow is conspicuous! We start walking along the Klewenstock trail.. The warm sun is melting what little snow we've had this year... It's a sludgy path with icy patches in the shadowy areas... I can either pay attention to the trail ahead or enjoy the panorama.. But Wait.. Ain't I a girl blessed with the Art of Multitasking??

A trio of benches ideally perched on the sunny-side of the trail invite us. We decide to bask in the Sunshine.. Oh Man.. it's Hot. i need to shed some layers.. It's hard to believe we're in the thick of Winter. I thank the Sun for the warmth :)



b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2015_12_IMG_1831.JPGSoon we're back on the trail.. The Sun won't be Shining for too long here..

Sun, Snow, Patches of dirt trail, Pine cones, Snowy slopes, Handful of skiers, Green Fir Trees, Oak barrel-hut, Benches, Half-moon on the Oberbauen peak..

The 3Km trail ends and we're back to Klewenalp restaurant. NussGipfel (Hazelnut croissant) and Baileys Coffee with Whipped Cream and Chocolate - Not a Bad way to enjoy the last rays of the Sun :)

