Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Today is Mutti's funeral - the day the five elements of her body make the final journey back to Mother Earth...


The Requiem Mass will begin at 10AM at the Village Church (Kirche).

It's 7:30AM and Lukas feels he needs to visit Mutti while she is still in the little Chapel. Her Urn is decorated with lavender roses and surrounded by flowers baskets.

As we're offering our final respects, the Sigrist (Church caretaker) walks in. He says it's time to move Mutti's Urn to the Kirche. 

The flower baskets are too heavy for me to lift. As i look for a smaller flower arrangement to carry, the Sigrist asks us if we would like to take the Urn back to the Kirche.

I'm completely overwhelmed as I gently lift the Urn. I feel Honored and Tears start to flow on their own as my mind walks down the memory lane while my legs walk me to the Kirche..


We place the Urn on the stand in front of the altar and surround it with a couple of flower baskets. The Sigrist & Lukas go out to place the rest of the flowers around the family grave. I realise I'm all alone with Mutti's Urn inside the Kirche. To the right is a Big Iffele of Samichlais. I feel Blessed to have this opportunity for a final silent conversation with Mutti. I know the place will have a very different feel in a couple of hours.. Silence engulfs me and fills up the Kirche.

I take a deep breath, Bid Adieu to her and walk outside where Lukas is arranging the remaining flowers on the Grave.





We drive back home in Silence.

It's a Crisp Cold Morning as we walk to the Kirche for the Mass. I hug my coat tighter and dig my gloved hands further inside the pockets. From the license plates of the cars passing us by, Lukas tells me of the family members who're coming from near and far. There's a solemn air as we meet and greet all family members at the Kirche. I'm meeting some of them for the first time. French, English, Deutsch and different dialects of Swiss-Deutsch can be heard all around. We step inside the Kirche, grateful for the warmth it offers. I'm a li'l unsure as it's my first time at a Roman Catholic Mass. Lukas asks me to just follow him & do as he's doing. I notice more flowers around the Urn as we walk up to the first Row. We're surrounded by Lukas's siblings and their families. The Mass begins with the Organ playing..

After a few minutes of trying to follow Swiss-Deutsch, I give up. As the Singer starts Singing Ave Maria (Mutti's wish), my eyes look around at the Murals, the Statues, the Urn, the Flowers -- I'm wondering "Is Mutti's spirit here? Can she hear it, feel it? Can she see her family gathered to bid her a final Adieu? Is she smiling? Did she have any regrets?"

I follow Lukas's finger pointing to the lines in the Bible as we sing the three hymns. Simone (Lukas's niece) reads out "Mein Leben" (My Life) in Mutti's own words .. I can feel goose bumps all over my body.... I'm feeling Mutti & her Spirit with my Heart & Soul and the remainder of the ceremony is more of a blur.

I receive my first "Communion" from the Priest as he hands it out to the Family. The Mass now over, the Urn is carried outside to the Grave. The Priest offers prayers and Blessings. And spreads some gravel on the Urn Symbolising "The return to Dust where the Journey had once begun". Each family member offers her a Final Blessing.

Sprinkling the Urn with Holy Water, I Wish her Peace and Rest, Rest Rest...



Fulfilling Mutti's Last Wish, we all gather at the restaurant for a Farewell Luncheon to commemorate Her Life!