Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

After a few cold and rainy days.. Sunshine is here again. The grass definitely seems greener on this side of the world ;) I watch from the window of the bus.. the whole world seems to be encased in a shimmering light.. Lovely! We arrive at the train station and there's yet another announcement about the train. It's ~30 mins late. Apparently someone had decided to end their story this morning by jumping in front of a train. All trains on our route are running late. I wonder what would've driven the person to take such a desperate step. Compared to the mountains, the lakes and the stars, how ephemeral our lifespan is.. I say a li'l prayer and within a few seconds my mind is now trying to figure out how to get to school in time. Amazing how quickly Life moves on.. Another train rolls by in 15 mins and I'm on my way again.


b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_IMG_0355.JPGAfter School, I hang out with two other girls in Luzern for lunch and exchanging stories.. As we find ourselves admiring the swans, the boats. We tell ourselves, we're no longer tourists here, perhaps we too should be serious like the typical Swiss and focus on the daily tasks instead of the serene beauty surrounding us. We stroll around like tourists and before we know it two hours have gone by.

We wave goodbyes in our broken Deutsch and part ways. I find the train packed with asian tourists. It's hard to find a seat. I wonder why this train is so popular. Lukas tells me later that the Engelberg is the gateway to "Titlis" a popular destination for Asian tourists. 

We go for a quick swim/float in the lake in the evening & Brrr.. the water is cold!!! We're out quicker than we thought.. Short & Sweet refresher.