Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Hmmmm.. it's Freitag (Friday) Frei in German means Free, so i take it very literally and decide to have a Free Day cool

Some paperwork check for the B-permit; organizing bedroom for Aishna's arrival takes up most of the morning. Lukas finishes the wedding bands by Lunch. I would sure love to try my hand at making jewelry. More exciting than LTE for sure.

I'm treated to a spectacular show of thunder, lightning, rain and hail in the afternoon. While the construction workers next door take cover, the ducks and the seagulls continue on with their lives amidst the drama.


 The rain provides some welcome relief from the heat. Even Nellie and Skylar (our cats) seem to have sprung to life after the downpour. They were laying half-dead on the floor earlier. We go for a quick swim under a colorful evening (Abend) sky at 9PM. All the surrounding mountain peaks appear closer and clearer after the rain, like we could reach out and touch them.