Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Picked up our sweetheart Aishna at the Zurich airport. She was a li'l exhausted, but excited to be in Swissy land.

We take a scenic route to Lucerne and as we make our way to a farmers market, the heavens open up to bless her with some showers. She loves all the colorful variety of fruits and vegetables on display and is excited to try each one of them.

We enjoy the sweets and other thoughtful gifts that Aishna has brought from the family back home in India. We take Aishna to a local cheese shop. She's in love with the cheese wheels (loaves as they call here). Next stop is a local grocery store..

We relax the remainder of the day at home.  We devour the Mushroom Risotto for dinner and of course the day isn't complete without a swim in the lake :)


We wake up to a warm sunny day and head out on the lake on Dolfin for some easy sailing.

It's a wonder how a beautiful sunny day ends with another spectacular thunderstorm on the lake in the evening (Abend). Nature's dramas...