Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It sure is a hot and humid summer here in Central Switzerland. The hottest in a couple of years, I've been told. cool

I decide to start the day with a run before die Sonne (The Sun. Interestingly Sun is feminine and Moon is masculine in German) decides to wake up from Slumber. Just a short 5k run before 6:30AM leaves me panting and i appreciate the refreshing alpine water fountains here and there.

I'm famished and would love to relish a BIG breakfast by the lake, but we have an appointment (what, another one?) to keep. After a quick Muesli breakfast and shower and we're off to get keys to our apartment. The views are lovely from the balconies and I'm excited, but it's one thing to live on the lake and another to view it from a distance. Lukas will definitely miss being part of the lake for the last 7 years -- Me, i haven't ever lived on water, so i will just enjoy our last few days on the balcony as much as i can. We will be moving in July end.

It's ~11AM by the time we get back home. Lukas makes ein Espresso mit ein Schokolade and we enjoy it on the balcony watching the seagulls, ducks and paddle boarders enjoy the hot summer morning. I make a simple khitchdi for lunch. It's too hot for anything else, so i decide to have a siesta while Lukas slogs it out in his workshop on the wedding bands... I slowly get back to Earth from my la-la-land and wonder how i ever functioned at Work in NJ without a siesta!! Siestas should be a part of Life.

Some more errands in the evening and then it's time for a swim.. it's already 9PM. It's quite surreal to swim in the lake in twilight zone. I enjoy the peace and serenity mehr (more) now than in the evenings. We have a simple mediterranean salad on the balcony along mit (with) ein Glas Rotwein.

It's just 7 days, 16 hours and 05 minutes to the registration and i think i have some bones rattling here & there and some butterflies flying round in my stomach as i write this blog.. because i promised someone that i would make an attempt to write everyday.. no matter how drunk, how tiRed or how rattled my bones are tongue-out