Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

I wake up at 4AM with the thought of wanting to go for a run while it's still cool -- 5AM sounds about right. I close my eyes. A minute later, i open my eyes and find out its 8:30AM. Oh the Joy of running in my SLEEP. And the best part is you're more refreshed than tiRed afterwards!!!

We have Lunch with Lukas's jeweler friend Walti and his daughter Simona in Altdorf (Home of William Tell). We're sitting outside in the garden and i enjoy watching the world go by against the backdrop of green alps. A small dog jumps into the water fountain & relishes his bath. But more than that he enjoys drenching his owner with water as he shakes himself vigorously afterwards.. No such water fountains for us to cool off, so we make do with Italian Gelati.. Ummm Umm mhhhhhmmmm.. Maracuja is soon becoming my favorite leaving dark chocolate a distant second!! 

Not much to blog about for the rest of the afternoon.. a bit of this & that for paperwork (seems to have become my middle name now!) and soon it's timer dinner and then a swim: no swans, no dogs, albeit some ducks this Abend (evening in German)

I try too hard to swim breaststroke, but the harder i try, the more difficult it gets. Perhaps the trick is to let go and just feel the water.. tomorrow is another day.

An interesting movie "Still Alice" to end yet another day in my new home in Switzerland..