Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Woke up in the morning with the construction noise from the neighboring building. Boy, these swiss workers start early -- it's still just 6:45AM. Don't they realize that I no longer have to go to work and can afford to sleep longer###!!!

Anyways i get outta bed as we have an appointment with the caterer @ 9AM.

It's 8AM and we're on the road to Lucerne and then to Meggen to meet the caterers. After an hour of discussions over coffee and gipfeli (swiss croissant), we have the menu finalized, but an appointment with florists added to our schedule. 

It's amazing to see the options for flowers and of course the price tag makes you want the flowers to remain on the plants ;)


As we're walking back to the car, Lukas points out to a square commercial looking building - saying it's quite a unique church and we should step in for a bit. I'm a huge fan of old churches with stained glass & murals but this looked like it could be an office building. Trusting him, i enter inside and am amazed at the sight my eyes were beholding. The marble on the walls created myriad patterns of brown, red, yellow and ochre. The divinity in simplicity struck a chord and my soul found it's silence -- ephemeral though it was.


An hour later we're back in Lucerne to get me a local SIM card. The only option i have with my US ID is a Prepaid with SwissCom. But oops.. I've left my cell @ home. I'm really enjoying the freedom of not being "ON" all the time! It sure is a blessing in Disguise! Nevertheless, i get my SIM card. First step towards settling down.. Ahem!

Swan_LucerneBridgeIt's 2PM now and I'm starving and ready to collapse. Luckily we find a pizzeria next door.. Too bad they make everything fresh from scratch. I might die by the time they bring our pizzas out. I try to distract my pangs of hunger by looking at swans swimming in the lake. It's 2:30 and I'm beginning to take a serious look at my last wishes: "Death by starvation" surely doesn't figure in the top 100! Finally the pizzas arrive... ummm Rucola Pizza has never tasted so GOOD before!! My apologies Luca..

We sit on a bench beside Lake Lucerne and soak in the summer festive atmosphere -- swans, seagulls, boats, swimmers, ice-cream (warning - flavors are addictive!), tourists (i no longer consider myself one). Everything is certainly more peaceful on a full stomach tongue-out Soon we're ready to tackle our next item on the list -- His SUIT.

The first stop (local store in Beckenried) doesn't have much to offer, but he gives us a reference to another store: Zumbühl Mode in Stansstad. Back in the car onto the highway.. (today's turning out to be like yesterday's road trip!!). Surprisingly within half an hour of arriving, we have bought a suit, shirt, tie & belt and made a new friend cool Daniela, the owner of the boutique. She sure is a miracle worker, but yet isn't able to find shoes. We need a fairy Godmother with a wand! A few stores and couple of hours later, we still have no luck with shoes. At this point Lukas is ready to wear flip-flops undecided

We return to Zumbühl Mode, and Daniela is not only able to find a hair-dresser for me, but is happy to store my Gown till 24th and also have it steam freshened!! Wow.. miracles do happen! We were wondering where to hang the gown as there was no suitable place to hang it at home.

We decide to head back home.. it's 7PM and we've been on the road for 11 hours already! The lake's copper-blue-turquoise waters are too inviting and we head out for a leisurely swim/float. I'm a li'l braver today and venture further into the lake.. the cool waters of the lake completely refresh body, mind and soul. It's almost a sin to step out of the lake now, so grudgingly i leave with the promise that I'll be back tomorrow evening..