Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

A day for appointments and meetings.. After 12 hours on the road, I'm wondering how it can be that i had more meetings today than in my previous Avatar @ QC!

Interestingly neither the Kantonal Bank nor Post Finance want to do anything with either a US Citizen or USD. Wake up USA!!

Next stop at Apartment office where good news awaits us: We get the keys to our apartment from July 16th, but can't move in until July end :)

From there on to the Cruise Boat company where we get to see our boat and then an hour drive to visit the seamstress for another fitting of the Gown. After a few more trials (& mistrials), Susi has the Gown READY!!!! Finally. Yeah -- she has survived the journey from Morristown to East Windsor to Newark to Zurich to Näfels to Beckenried.



The best part of the day was the drive back home over Klausen Pass (elevation: 1,948 metres, a high mountain pass in the Swiss Alps connecting Altdorf in the canton of Uri with Linthal in the canton of Glarus) amidst twilight zone..