Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_IMG_0014.JPGMorning has broken... in such a divine way with the Moon still peeping through! We soak in the beauty and bask in the morning light for a few minutes. It's just 5AM. Still sleepy eyed, I get back to catching up on my zzzzs..

I snooze for another 3 hours on the pretext of Jetlag, but in reality I'm just being a Faulpelz all morning while Lukas continues to work on the wedding bands in his workshop.


At 11AM, i decide to go for a short run around village, next to the lake.. It's too hot already, perhaps next time i should run early in the morning and be a faulpelz later.. 

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_morgen.JPGAfter a simple meal of sambar-rice, we watch the sail-boats, paddlers, swimmers cooling off in the lake.

We then take the gown to the Suit shop where Daniella has generously offered to store the gown for me. We also find out that she has a motorbike and she offers to take me on a ride after my motorbike gear arrives. My fertile imagination immediately starts to conjure images of biking across alpine passes.

Back to earth, it's 36C here and we cool off with some Gelati -- marracoja and lemon. Ummm so refreshing.

We spend the evening with Lukas's family in their garden. They treated me to Älplermagronen slow cooked on open fire! Onions & potatoes add quite a delish twist to the regular Mac &Cheese! I also manage to get a lesson in Swiss parkour from the children Jöel, Naomi and Leanna :)

It's 10PM and time to walk back home. We're treated to a surprise display of fireworks over lake Lucerne right from our balcony. Quite an amazing start and end of yet another day in paradise...