Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

All the cartons arrive covered in Black Dust.. Oh Boy!!! Unfortunately, the packers did a lousy job, so the dust has seeped through every opening.. Too Bad.. i regret having washed & dry cleaned everything in NJ. Now we have to repeat the whole story all over again.. Groundhog Day!!!

After two weeks of Cleaning, I sure feel i can take this up as a profession and the washing machine protests that it can take it no more!! I'd love to ask the packers a few questions: Luckily for them, they're in NJ -- not my favorite destination to head off to at the moment!

The cats on the other hand, loved the cartons.. so much to explore, sniff & taste. And wow.. paper & cartons of varying sizes everywhere to jump over, play hide-and-seek, tear off, chew.. They're in paradise. 

Too many cartons.. Too li'l time cool