Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It's a crisp, fresh morning that has the promise of a beautiful sunny day ahead... ummm nice.. i can't wait for the free cruise.

The community of Beckenried has organized it's annual welcome cruise for the new-comers in the last year. There's about 50 of us new comers. As we wait to board the boat, we're given our name tags and I wonder how many will be able to pronounce my name correctly. We're all finally on-board & the welcome speeches start! Thankfully I now have had a few Deutsch lessons, so i can atleast understand a few words. Unfortunately they're speaking Schweizer-Deutsch (Swiss-German) and I soon realize the lessons don't help very much.. Lukas translates some funny anecdotes about the town & i enjoy the scenery from the boat.

The lady sitting opposite me is from Shanghai. She moved here 6 months ago and is married to the son (an architect) of the local Ceramic Artist. She tells me that she really likes living here in Switzerland, but is not a big fan of cheese, chocolate and local food. Go figure!!

So she has brought seeds from Shanghai and now grows the Chinese vegetables and greens in her backyard! 

Soon the apéro of Bread, Sprinz cheese and white wine is served. Apero is the all-purpose Swiss form of socialising that is held at every possible occasion. You need both hands: one for holding the glass and the other for shaking hands. When they're not kissing thrice on your cheek, the Swiss shake the hand vey firmly.. there' no gentlemanly handshake.. Ouch!!

Some old Beckenried photographs and postcards are passed along. Lukas explains how things were, what has changed and how this charming li'l Swiss village is also losing it's character thanks to the economic growth :(

Before long, it's time to shake hands again as we get off the boat. I realize I'm feeling a li'l light headed already... Boy sure am not used to having Wine that early in the day. Wonder how the Swiss can handle it -- must be in the Jeans. Time for me to buy a new pair cool