Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It's a cloudy & foggy winter afternoon, just the kind that makes you want to get under a comforter, watch a movie and snack on junk food. And when there's no junk food @ home, one goes out on a hike -- hoping the distraction will do the trick.

As i climb up the hill, i look back to our home sweet home... The Lake, wisps of clouds hanging on the mountains, the Sun trying to peek from behind the cloud curtain, Fir trees and green meadows - quite rare for this time of the year. Normally there should be a good foot of snow everywhere -- but this year, the snow is taking it's time to visit us. Never in my life had i imagined that one day i'd be living in Swiss alps - some 660 m.a.s.l. I love this rustic alpine living - away from the hubbub of city life...

Occupied in my thoughts, I continue walking along the Rütliweg, as i come up a hill, i suddenly spot a Gämse (The wild alpine goat-antelope) standing just a few yards away. I've seen herds of Gämse many a times, usually further away, but this is the first time i see a single one this Up close and Personal... Gämse are very shy, so i just stand still and thank the being for staying there and allowing me to witness it's presence and that I will not harm him in anyway. A few seconds tick by .. the Gämse seems to stay and not be afraid. I ask in my heart, if i may take a picture. Slowly i take my cell out, and manage to take a picture, just before he darts off into the wilderness below... 

What a blessing to be a witness to these animals in their natural habitat -- Thank you Universe!



