Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2019_10_IMG_8169.jpgThe fiery foursome from Beckenried ask me if i'd like to join them to catch some Sun. 

Sun and views are always a delight, soon i find myself picking up the ladies in Beckenried as we drive to Stans.

From the historic funicular wooden cable car to the ultra modern - Topless Cabrio, feeling the Sun and the Wind in our faces, within some twenty odd minutes we're transported atop Mt. Stanserhorn (1898 m.a.s.l)

It's my first outing since Nellie has moved on, and initially i see her everywhere i look...

Slowly the fog clears and we're blessed with views of Snow capped alpine peaks to Lakes to Meadows, stretching out to infinity in every direction.

Little by little, the Sunshine brings me back to the here and now.. to these kind ladies who asked me out, to the trail ahead of us, to the distant cow-bells, to the sighting of the Kite, the marmots, wild goats et al..

I'm not too impressed by the Lunch in the revolving restaurant (Lukas makes better Älplermagrone), but the views and just chatting out with these ladies, listening to them speak in Swiss Dialect, is nice. I don't follow all their conversations, and i don't need to. They've known each other their entire lives (they're all 65+) and I'm a total outsider, yet they welcomed me into their lives... 

THANK You Antonia, Anna, Edith and Vreni -- for a day with Views and More!!!









