Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Today I'm teaching the 40+ Age group @ SU. Heidi meets me at 18.30 in front of Turnhalle Isenringen and shows around. I go about with the regular drill: drag the roll-cart laden with Yoga matts into the hall, collect the sign-in-sheet from the cupboard, lay my mat and wait. The women start entering in groups, chattering. Soon the hall is full. Today there are 25 women.  As the last few are apprehensively rolling out their mats in front, I reassure them that being a Vegetarian i won't eat them. They have nothing to fear... innocent

We start off with Pranayama and continue with different Asanas. I notice some women continue to breathe through their mouths even as i tell them to breathe through the Nose. They have a skeptical look on their face. Some 60+ women find SuryaNamaskar interesting, some others decide to just watch... A few groans for Halasana and finally everyone is happy to lay down in Savasana and go into la-la land. I hear a couple of snores as i guide them through the relaxation ;)

Another round of applause after the class and then a couple of women from the skeptical group, come & ask me why do we need to breathe through the Nose, while during Sports they've been instructed to breathe through the mouth. As i explain to them, i also make a mental note to talk about it during my next Session.

After the Class, a few of us endup at Nidwaldnerhof again for a round of Tea, Coffee and GirlTalk in Swiss-German. Too bad i'm learning German and not Swiss-German.. Perhaps if i close my eyes and meditate, I'll be able to understand all this priceless juicy Gossip better.. wink