Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

A Journalist from the local newspaper is coming to interview me today. He has heard that an immigrant is volunteering as a Yoga teacher at the local Sport Union (SU) and is curious to know more. I'm just about finishing making Masala Chai & Besan Cheelas for breakfast when the doorbell rings. I show him how to eat the Cheela with the Chutney. He takes a sip of the Chai - He enjoys it very much and says he would've skipped breakfast had he known he'd get to eat Indian goodies tongue-out

Over breakfast, we talk in German about my move to Beckenried from US last year, my childhood in India, my work in US, my experiences here in learning the language, local culture/traditions and of course my views on Integration et al...

After a bit, he takes out his cell and asks if it's ok to record our conversation. Perhaps my half baked German makes it difficult for him... Before we know it, it's been almost an hour and a half. He takes out a camera and asks if he can take a picture. A bit surprised though, I say Yes. We step out in the balcony and he takes a picture against a backdrop of a foggy sky and lake.

As he walks out of the door, he says he will let me know when the article gets published.. I sit down and wonder how the article will turn out. I'm reminded of the last time I was interviewed by a Journalist ... Summer - 2006 in Nova Scotia, Canada. I was volunteering as a Yoga teacher at the local Senior Center there.

Each time i volunteer as a Yoga teacher, a Journalist shows up... Quite a coincidence -- one might say!