Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Today I'm going to hang out with the ladies of Beckenried in Waldshut. It's a medieval German town bordering Switzerland along the Rhine. It's also where the Southern Black Forest meets the Rhine and where the River Aare flows into the Rhine.

It's 7AM and raining pretty heavily as i walk to Hotel Seerausch, our bus boarding point. There's ~15 women already waiting. I recognise some of them.. and Darn it, don't remember all of the names. What with so many short silver-haired Anna-Maries, Theresias and Beatrices that all look alike..

The bus arrives almost fully packed.. We're ~55 women in the Bus. It's been a while since I've been with these many women. I pick a window seat towards the rear of the Bus. Margrit Käslin, a grandmother of 4, sits next to me. We talk quite a bit in Hoch-Deutsch (High German), about me, my story from India to San Diego to NJ to Beckenried and she shares hers -- she was born in a village 10km from here & grew up on a farm. I was all excited "Did you have animals" "Cows"? And she said matter-of-factly -- "Its not fun, if you have to wake up early every morning to Milk them" --  Reality Check!!!! The romantic vision that i had harbored all along to live on a farm amidst animals, quickly disappears out of the window. She explains that she has never traveled out of Switzerland, and is very happy to hear my travel stories.

After a short Coffee & Gipfeli break and small conversations with women at the table, we're off towards Waldshut. I watch the green fields, forests and meadows go by. A lot of chatter from the ladies in the rear. The back-benchers are always the loudest. Since I don't understand Swiss-German too well, it's easy for me to tune away & focus on the scenery outside. Margrit tells me that it's her first time in Waldshut too, but a lot of Swiss go there to Shop. Apparently stuff's cheaper across the border.. 

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2016_06_IMG_2834.JPGWe have about a couple of hours to explore the town, before we get together for Lunch. All other women form their groups with specific agendas.. Since i had nothing premeditated, I'm happy to amble along and observe -- the street hawkers selling "Weisse Spargeln" (White Asparagus) and Erdbeer (Strawberries), a Eastern European woman begging along the Hauptstrasse, the brook and the greenery under the bridge i walk across, the main shopping plaza.. a large bronze Ram catches my eye.. shops, bars, cafes and restaurants snuggled against each other on either side. It's raining, drizzling, pouring alternately.  

Before long it's Noon and my legs carry me towards the Restaurant. A large room has been reserved for the group. I scan the room for empty seats, find one & politely ask "Entshuldigung, ist dieser Platz noch frei?" (Excuse me, is this seat still free?) Across the table is Marlene with whom I'd volunteered during Fasnacht. She has a huge big bag under the table, filled with supermarket items. I listen to the hum of Swiss-German.. i can understand some, but i make no effort to do so. Rather i focus on the tones -- some excited, some tired, some happy which die down no sooner the Salad is served. All i hear is the occasional klank of the silverware. Ummm.. the Salad is good. Main course, comes and goes with me waiting for my Vegetable Plate to arrive. I guess they have to go buy the vegetables first!! The others are getting their desserts and finally, my plate arrives. Loaded with veggies - and everybody claps.. aiiiiiii i can feel all eyes on me & my plate - which actually doesn't look appetizing at all. I wonder how a restaurant can mess up a simple vegetable plate.. I take one bite and Uggghhhhhh.. i have to look for a cafe afterwards. Wonder what took them so long??? After a few bites of the tasteless resteamed-frozen veggies, i move on to the dessert. Because of the poor service, we're behind schedule, so i can't stop to satiate my black forest pastry cravings on the way back cry

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2016_06_IMG_2841.JPGMy companion happily naps on our way to the next stop "Heidegg Castle" - Overlooking Lake Baldegg and surrounded by lush forests and idyllic vineyards, Turm Roten of this 800 year old castle looms majestically atop the hill. No Swiss landscape is complete without "Happy Cows" grazing in the oh-so-green meadows. We stroll through the Rose garden. The scent of Roses invites me to linger. Easy to lose track of time amidst Blue Skies, views of Green vineyards & Lake.

Most of the women are already aboard the cosy carriages and enjoying an Apèro when i finally make my way out of the garden. I applaud the spirit of these ladies. Our coachman has brought along his daughter "Alexandra" with him today. Alexandra is delightfully naughty. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she says she's thirsty when she sees us sipping the Apèro tongue-out

Wine, Idyllic vineyards and the rhythmic klicketty-klack of the hoofs is probably the best known sleep inducer. I fight to keep my eyes open. 


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b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2016_06_IMG_2862.JPGA final stop at a restaurant for Coffee and Cakes.. As i sit on the table, biting into my Chocolate-Pear cake, i look around.. 55 women.. can't remember when was the last time i was with these many women. The chatter continues & though i don't try to understand the conversation at the table, all of a sudden I'm tired. Really Tired. Just hearing Swiss-German all day long has had it's toll.

And it doesn't help that my Tea hasn't arrived yet, though i ordered half-an-hour back. Today's just not my day for eating out. After 4 reminders, they finally bring it in, without an apology!!!! I thought Swiss were known for their hospitality industry. Times are changing.. 

After another 45 mins of mostly-quiet-lost-in-thoughts drive back, i'm happy to say "Thank You" to the organiser and bid the other women Adieu. As i walk back home, i decide it's only going to be English conversations this evening.

Today, I'm brain-dead as far as German is concerned. Tomorrow is yet another day..