Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Well it's that time of year when the warm weather pushes through and the snow starts to melt off the mountain slopes. One of the prettiest signs of the approaching Spring is the tiny blossoms peeping their way miraculously through the dry blades of grass, letting everyone know that it's time to store away those snow jackets and ski equipment.

Today is the last day of the Ski Season @ Klewenalp. The KlewenBahn closes tomorrow for a month for Semi-annual maintenance. We go up one last time to say Goodbye to the Snowy Slopes. As the Gondola begins its journey upwards, i reflect on this winter season.. Yes i didn't get to Ski lessons yet, but had more than my share of fun with Sledging, Full Moon Snowshoeing and Winterhiking.



High temperatures coupled with Föhn Winds is melting the Snow fast resulting in a slush that you can neither sledge on nor walk. There are some skiers enjoying the quiet slopes. Due to avalanche dangers, the Ski-Lifts for the higher slopes have been closed. We can't Sledge to Silbi's now.. we will have to walk.  Without Snowshoes though, it's like two feet forward, one back. We decide we'll make a smaller circuit.

What a difference one week has made.. From Blue Skies, Sun, Snow and Skiers to Grey Skies, Exposed Slopes, Avalanches.

Lack of skiers also means we can leisurely enjoy quiet moments on the Swing, listening to the chirping of the Birds announcing yet another beginning of the Circle of Life...

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