Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Quite an interesting week it was -- or so i remark when i look back at it.

One minute i was excitedly discussing the possibility of a 150km hike next year and the next minute my face was kissing the road without any prior warning! I lay on the ground wondering why people were making so much fuss over me. I felt perfectly fine. Even slightly elated i must add cool.

Lukas and the kind hiking guide request me to keep laying still for some more time.. Well OK.. if you insist. Soon a medico shows up and starts talking to me in Deutsch. Darn, i still don't understand him. Apparently the fall hasn't increased the grey cells in my brain - nor made any interesting connections. By and by we get home and i look into the mirror.. Ouch.. that hurts. Really is that my face? My right cheek seems to have taken the brunt of the impact. The pains increase a bit more the next day..cry The saddest part is that it hurts BIG time when i SMILE.. Perhaps this will help me be more Swiss - Serious & Grumpy!!! innocentwink

Thanks to the guidance of lady at the drugstore; a wonder cream/gel-bandage, and Lukas's TLC all wounds heals in a week and I'm better than new!!! Amazing how quickly the body heals itself!laughing

My car is finally here -- too bad i can't drive it yet. We try to hook up the car to the diagnostic software via the cable. (Lukas downloaded the Software from Land Rover and got the cable on internet -- China!). We're able to connect to the car and get the current status from all the parts but alas, we don't find an option to tune the car.. frown 

The car is now at a workshop getting configured for Swiss driving regulations per MFK (DMV equivalent in Swiss). The mechanic opened the hood and found a melted cookie-bar on the engine. Apparently the serviceman in NJ left me a souvenir tongue-out And all this after RangeRover dealer in Switzerland told us "It's impossible to import a car & drive. It won't work here. You have to buy from us!"

At German School, we learn the "Definite and Indefinite Articles"; "Singular/Plural Nouns". Every thing has a gender and there's no logic. Looks like someone threw darts to choose the gender.. Grr!!! Anyways us course participants (kursteilnehmerinnen) get to know each other some more. However, i must admit that German is a very precise language and once you know the rules (die Regeln), it's pretty straightforward.. Ya right, what about the Umlaute ä, ö, ü?????

A friend from India and his wife stop by for dinner. They were coming back from Titlis which they thought was a perfect waste of time and money. Glad i haven't made my way up there yet!!

Some more treatment for the wooden floors is in store for Saturday.. Gosh is it 2 weeks already?











On Sunday, Lukas and I take the aerial tramway up to Klewenalp and walk through glorious alpine meadows and forests. An artist has her paintings nailed at various locations along the trail. Soon we arrive at Stockhütte.






A brass band playing bavarian style country music welcomes us!! Their wives and daughters are dressed in traditional bavarian finery



Daniela (Zumbuehle Mode) is showcasing her Edelweiss collection. Would be fun to try one of these typical swiss outfits.. but there's very few that have caught my fancy.

We try the carrot cake (I've had better in US) and home-made fresh fruit-laden muesli (absolutely delish!!)

We opt for the bikeboards (3 wheeler skateboard) down to Emmetten. The glorious weather makes for one spectacular scene after another: sailboats dotting the lake, cows grazing in idyllic green pastures, the melody of the cow bells ringing in our ears, paragliders dotting the sky.. 

Our friends C&A invite us for a grill in their lakefront garden. Didn't know Grilled corn tasted so good with Basilikum!! Time passes quickly with fingerlicking good food, great company and lovely evening views on the lake.. 

Quite a Week I say!!!