Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2020_01_IMG_8523.jpgNo simple English translation exists for this Japanese word “Komorebi” - A distinct phenomenon, that we've all probably experienced and enjoyed whiling away our time in forests. Komorebi roughly translates to “the scattered light that filters through when sunlight shines through trees”.

A thick fog has engulfed our home today. The view out the window confirms the idea that we're all alone in this world and nothing else except this white mist exists. Perhaps the Sun is shining up in the village? With this hope, I put on my layers & set out to catch some Sunshine. A walk through the forest and I'm blessed with Komorebi – a dreamy landscape - sun rays breaking through the tree trunks – creating magic and much more.

I bask for eternity in this unexpected treasure...

About 15 minutes later, still a bit oozy in my mind, I round a curve and clear blue skies and Sunlight bathe me. In front of me the "Nebelmeer" which literally translates to "See of Fog" covering the Land & Lake below.






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