Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

I'm in the mood for some hearty comfort food… Na.. Na.. not Khichdi – something more indulgent – perhaps Italian. And in no mood to drive. Well then, if you can't go to Italy, you'll have to bring Italy home.

How about some Italian Home cooking - "Cucina casalinga" - perhaps Lasagna?? And while nothing comes for free – today's desire implies spending the whole forenoon in the kitchen.

And Finally - a hot, bubbling cheesy delight fresh out the oven...laden with fragrant herbs and veggies, slowly simmered in a tomato sauce & some Red wine to go with it... Just perfect on this cold winter day!!

And over Espresso, Vin Santo and Lukas's homemade Cantuccini we laze away the afternoon

Dolce far niente...


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