Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2020_01_IMG_8511.jpgSince Nov end, the Sun has bid our home a goodbye and gone into Winter Hibernation.

For the last 6 weeks, the Sun's orbit has been too low on the horizon to hit our home on a slope with Pine trees rising on the South side.

It isn't too bad really, one can always walk 5 minutes from home to catch some Sun.

It's ~10:30AM and as i step outside for a walk, I'm overjoyed to see a bit of Sunshine on the Roof. Yeah!!! This calls for celebration. From today onwards, everyday there's going to be more Sunlight on the Roof, entering our Home through some windows here and there. Wow!!! can't wait for it.

I take a photo to mark the occasion and Surprise - Surprise - The Moon is still visible in the Sky and is right above the Sunny patch on the Roof as a guiding beacon!