Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2020_01_IMG_8500.jpgLife begins where the comfort zone ends -- Taking this as my Mantra for the year, I sign up for a Diploma as a Pilates Trainer. The course is split in 4 Modules - 2 days each, and the final Theory/Practical exam. The course in German or Swiss German, I'm not fully sure. Yoga teachers Training I had done in the US, but Pilates is new. Learning a new field in language that's new as well.. How will it go? German, I can handle, but Swiss German?? Depends a lot on the teacher's Dialect - perhaps i will understand something, perhaps nothing... with these thoughts in mind, I drive to Luzern where the first Module of the 4 Module-Course is being held.

There's 6 of us women in the course. Three of them are already physical trainers looking for advanced training. A fourth wants to try something new and the fifth has a car-driver school. She's actually lived in San Diego (The world sure is small!) for 2 years and the only one who can speak a bit of English.

The teacher is kind enough to speak in German because of me, and slowly i find that it's not all that difficult - i have my online Dictionary open to look up some anatomy related terms.

2 back to back days and we're through with most of the Anatomy, a preview into the Pilates Principles and Classical Exercises! Whew - a lot of German for my head to process!! I'm happy to get to know 5 other women, the teacher and the one who makes Anatomical visualisation easy "Paul - the Skeleton"

As homework, we have to prepare two exercises and teach it in the next Module in February... well, i have a whole month!!