Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It's a bright sunny afternoon and since we don't get Sun anymore at home (from November end to mid January, the Sun is too low on the horizon to touch our home), i decide to go on a catch the Sun (aka replenish my Vitamin D levels) walk...

The Sky is a clear blue with a few whiffs of clouds, the grass is green, there's snow on the mountain tops and the Sun is shining bright, but brrr... it's cold!!! An hour later, with about 4.5 Km under my belt, I'm back home to the smell of freshly baked cake... Today is my lucky day -- Lukas has baked a fresh Aprikose Wähe (Apricot cake). Yumm-yumm tongue-out

A Wähe is a Swiss flat cake and can be savoury or sweet. Savoury Wähe are layered with veggies, onions and cheese and a Guss (creamy liquid topping) of grated cheese, cream and eggs is poured on it.

Sweet Wähe are layered with fruits - especially with plums, apples, apricots, rhubarb, apples, etc. – depending on the time of year. Before the fruit is layered, the pastry dough is often powdered with a layer of ground hazelnuts. A Guss of milk, cream, eggs, vanilla/cinnamon and sugar is added before it is baked.

Lukas has made the puff pastry bottom from scratch -- a total of 1536 layers of dough hand rolled and lined with butter in between...

His efforts pay off -- The Wähe is sinfully delicious!! 




