# Morning Yoga: 1 hour
# Relish my fruity Breakfast
# Walk with Skylar around the house: 30 minutes
# Watch her hide under bushes on her bird hunt: 15 minutes
# Clean up Skylar’s feast: 10 minutes 

# Stack wood for fire: 15 minutes
# Read German: 1 hour
# Cook Lunch: ~ 45 minutes (Todays menu is - vegetable stew served on a bed of Quinoa)
# Enjoy Lunch 

# Clean up kitchen after Lunch: 30 minutes
# Harvest, Wash, Store/freeze the garden produce: 2 hours (Arugula, Carrots, Broccoli and Chillies)
The carrots have been stored in the cellar with the mud still around them; Chillies have been frozen - for use in Winter; Broccoli and Arugula are in the fridge to be enjoyed later.
# Rake the leaves around the house: 1 hour
# Make Fire: 15 minutes
And before i know it, it's already evening...
Retirement is when one stops living at work and starts working at living 

Would i trade-in this routine for my corporate world days of leading a worldwide team? No way!!!
The people i miss, the work definitely not. Somehow it seems pointless - so not in tune with Nature - well .. to me right now.