Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2019_09_IMG_8069.jpgIt's already Forenoon and Nellie has not yet returned from her nightly hunt...

Lukas has been awake from 1AM, feeling that our Nellie baby has already moved on .. to the other side

I'm still hopeful.. perhaps she's busy waiting for a mouse somewhere and has lost track of time...

As the hours pass by with no sign of her still, we're getting really worried...

In the afternoon, i go out on a walk, calling out to her everywhere, perhaps she climbed atop a tree after being chased by a fox or a dog, i look for her under every bush, every tree, but to no avail...

Oh Nellie Baby, where are you? We miss you soooo bad, Come back home sweetie-pie...cry

In the evening, after we do the constellation, it confirms clearly what Lukas sensed all day long that she's moved on...

Heartbroken, we walk to the Picnic place and we feel her full presence, a breeze engulfs us and moves on..

like she's hugging us one last time and bidding Adieu..